751.52/2–2746: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Caffery)
us urgent
1097. Immediately preceding telegram37 contains text of note which you should deliver to Bidault with oral comment on following lines.
With reference to specific complaints mentioned second paragraph French note (Embtel 955 Feb 27) we do not understand how failure of Franco to give impression abroad that he was preparing evolution of internal regime brings matter within terms of Charter.38 As to alleged troop concentrations our information is that no important movements have taken place recently in northern Spain, and we have no evidence that there are any aggressive intentions toward France. As to executions of a political character in Spain, deplorable as these may be, we do not understand how they can be considered as being likely to endanger the maintenance of international peace and security.
[Page 1049]You should repeat assurance contained in last paragraph of our reply39 to French note to effect that if France intends to proceed with its proposal we would very much appreciate having any additional information which they may care to communicate to us. You should add that experience in the first session of the Security Council indicated the importance of matters being very fully prepared before presentation.
Sent Paris as 1097, rptd Madrid as 351 Moscow as 429 and London as 2128.