811.34553B/8–2246: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Portugal (Baruch)
808. For Culbertson from Hickerson. For your information the War and Navy Depts have indicated that while appropriate rights and operational arrangements in the Azores for the entire period of occupation are considered essential, recent progress in working out operational arrangements under the May 30 Agreement have relieved the urgency for immediately replacing that agreement. If operational arrangements, such as those recently agreed upon, are carried out in practice, a more liberal interpretation would be given to the May 30 Agreement, and operations under it would thus be feasible. Barring a change in these conditions, therefore, the question as to the timing of the approach to the Portuguese, as outlined in Mr. Byrnes’ memo to Mr. Bevin (see War Dept tel 97855 Aug 18 and OCD 100 from Paris Aug 2171), can be decided as a matter of tactics.
Under these circumstances we see some advantages in postponing this approach pending further developments in the discussions in the Azores and a more appropriate time for the presentation of our request. However, we will be guided by your judgment.
Sent to Paris as 4297 rptd to Lisbon as 808. [Hickerson.]
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