811.34553B/7–2146: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Portugal (Baruch)
us urgent
706. For Culbertson from Hickerson. After further consideration of urtel 638, July 2163 with War and Navy Depts we suggest that a letter along the following lines be sent immediately to Mathias:
“Reflecting on our conversations to date, it has occurred to me that you would find it useful to have at hand a complete draft statement of our proposals for use in considering the new agreement we have in mind as well as the effect the new agreement will inevitably have on the Agreement of May 30.
“I am, therefore, sending you a draft of the agreement which we envisage would result, in substance, from these negotiations.”
The text of the draft agreement quoted in Bonesteel’s OCD 59 of July 13 to War Dept64 should be sent with this letter using Version A of Article III with the following drafting changes:
- 1.
- In references to this document in the preamble and in Article IX the word “agreement” should be used.
- 2.
- Article I, change “accept” to “recognize”.
- 3.
- Article III, Version A should now read:
“In order that the Govt of the US may better fulfill its obligations to contribute to the maintenance of security in the Atlantic and in the world as a whole, the Port Govt grants the request of the Govt of the US for rights (1) to establish, operate and maintain bases at Lagens, Santa Maria and at such other sites in the Azores and Cape Verde Islands as are mutually agreed, and (2) of naval anchorage in the Azores and Cape Verde areas. The details of these arrangements shall be determined through mutual agreement and shall include the following essential elements:
- “1. Installation and operation of weather and communications services and equipment, air navigational aids and servicing facilities, reconnaissance and air sea rescue, as may be required for all necessary operations at the bases. To establish, operate and maintain additional military installations, defense facilities, warning systems, weather and communications installations, and aids to navigation at such sites in the Azores and Cape Verde areas as may be mutually agreed.
- “2. Operation of governmental craft, including aircraft, vessels, and vehicles into, through, over and away from the Azores and Cape Verde areas without restriction except as mutually agreed.
- “3. Use of the port, transportation, and communication facilities in the Azores and Cape Verde areas, and installation and/or improvement of such as are mutually agreed.
- “4. Importation, stationing, storage or removal from the Azores and Cape Verde areas of personnel, matériel, and supplies free of customs, duties, taxes and imposts of any kind.
- “5. Jurisdiction over US personnel, present in the Azores and Cape Verde areas in the exercise of the rights accorded.
- “6. Employment of a civilian contractor as an instrument in the exercise of such of the above rights as may be mutually agreed.”
- 4.
- Article IV, should be dropped. Not required with Version A.
- 5.
- Article V, should now read:
“The right of the Portuguese Govt to make available to the Security Council, by any agreement under Article 43 of the Charter of the UN, facilities in the Azores and Cape Verde Islands shall not be impaired by the terms of this agreement.”
- 6.
- Article VI, should be dropped for the present.
- 7.
- Article VII, change last word from “colonies” to “territories”.
- 8.
- Article IX, period of agreement is 99 years. Do not use phrase “as long as the US Govt agencies are maintained in Germany or Japan.”
(Deptel 680 of Jul. 1865). [Hickerson.]