865.00/12–1146: Telegram
The Chargé in Italy (Key) to the Secretary of State
[Received 8:45 p.m.]
4357. Department’s 2062, November 21.9 It has been difficult to obtain comprehensive information on illegal armed groups in Italy. [Page 951] Our investigation leads us believe that, while there have been many committees, movements, groups, etc., of para-military character organized in various parts of Italy as aftermath of war and occupation, few if any at present are serious well-organized threat to government authority nor is there evidence of cohesion between them. Department should see SSU report from Rome dated November 27 telegram 485 Pir 369 to Headquarters Washington on this subject.
The serious disturbances in Emilia Province during past months are generally ascribed to armed bands of delinquents organized for purposes of banditry and having no political implications, my telegram 4178 November 7 and despatch 4355, November [22];10 some well informed sources believe these gangs are inspired by Communists but admit that there is no clear-cut evidence of this.
The MRP (Partisan Resistance Movement) led by Carlo Andreoni anti-Communist ex-Socialist established itself on military basis about 300 strong in Vercelli Province in October and assumed aspects of local military occupation. Any potential threat to constituted authority was nipped in the bud by prompt action of Italian Government in arresting leaders and dispersing group. Apparently little of incriminating nature was found as leaders were released without charges within few days. MRP is rival Partisan organization to ANPI11 estimated 1500 of whom one-half armed. Political character is simply anti-Communist.
Italian Army of Liberation has headquarters in Rome with recently opened branches in Genoa and Milan, Department’s airgram 439, September 13.12 Titular head is Colonel Musco but real head reported by SSU to be General Sorice former War Minister in first Badoglio government. It is veterans organization for those who fought with Allies after September 1943 in regular army or in Resistance Movement. Its political character is well to Right and its connections are invariably with Right Wing or monarchist political parties, see SSU reports from Rome Pir 93 and Jrx 3580 on this organization. It is not averse to close relations with Uomo Qualunque Front though does not seek its support exclusively. No general tie-up with Uomo Qualunque though some members of Italian Army of Liberation are also members of Uomo Qualunque. Estimated by SSU that strength less than 15,000 and 10% armed, not well organized.
Other Right Wing squadrist organizations lesser strength and importance are Tricolor Movement and Social Republican Military Movement.
[Page 952]On Left Socialist armed strength does not exist per se but rather consists of Socialists members of auxiliary police forces throughout Italy who of course are legally armed. Communists according to SSU have most effective armed force headed by Secchia, alias Bottechia. Estimates of mobilizeable strength vary with political view of course from 80,000 on one extreme to below 20,000 on other, in any event it is believed almost every able-bodied Communist in north has a weapon. However Communist Party arms diminish monthly due sequestration, poor conservation, etc.
Estimated cut 50% since armistice.
For information on alleged existence Troika group see my airgrams 1102 and 1103 December 6.13
Foregoing excludes Venezia Giulia and Udine Provinces. In latter, principal group is Osoppo Brigade, war-time Partisan outfit, which now numbers about 5,000 and is anti-Slav. Early reports indicated collusion Italian officials in supplying arms and funds, see Greene’s reports from Trieste Nos. 272, May 15; 288 May 20; and 304 June 10.14
Recent arrests in Trieste of Action Party members concealing small arsenal indicates pro-Italian “action squad” activity still exists there; pro-Slav organizations often accused of hiding arms but very few seizures ever made.