865.20/11–2646: Telegram

The Chargé in Italy (Key) to the Secretary of State


4281. We have seen secret telegram dated November 21 from British War Office to AFHQ regarding military mission to Italian army. This message states that British Foreign Office is about to initiate discussions with State Department on general question of post treaty military missions. We have also learned from AC that director land forces subcommission (British general)98 has made his personal recommendations thereon from British standpoint to War Office London.

Admiral Stone discussed subject with us and our Military Attaché this morning and following observations may be of interest to Department. Former feels US Government should make efforts to obtain invitation from Italian Government for purely American military mission for post treaty. He said that Italian army was better disposed and would be more receptive to purely American mission. In his opinion our long term interest in Italy and the Mediterranean justifies our undertaking this responsibility vis-à-vis postwar Italian army. If for policy or other reasons US Government is not prepared to assume this responsibility alone he said he feels that next best is joint Anglo-American military mission to Italian army with absolute parity in personnel and responsibility policy decisions. Last and least desirable would be our agreement to British undertaking military mission on their own.

While Admiral Stone’s arguments are cogent we feel that the most important consideration is US participation in any military advisory body which may be established in Italy since its influence would of course extend during post-war period beyond purely military considerations and if successful would undoubtedly contribute to strengthening of commercial ties and of friendly relations between Italy and US.… We would recommend an Anglo-American Mission provided this is technically feasible in preference to a purely American mission in view of British susceptibilities and their well-known military interest in Italy and Mediterranean. A joint mission would also serve to emphasize Anglo-American solidarity in this part of the world.

Repeated Caserta 1101 for American eyes only.

  1. Maj. Gen. Edward Henry Goulburn.