740.00119 Council/10–1046: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Chargé in Italy (Key)79


264. Delsec 1046. Please convey the following message to Prime Minister de Gasperi from the Secretary80 which should be released for publication on delivery.81

“When you were in Paris in August you discussed with me the question of the American Government paying the Italian Government for the lira which it furnished to the American Army for the purchase of supplies in Italy.

I am now happy to inform you that after having examined carefully into this question the United States Government has decided to reimburse the Italian Government for the lira so furnished to the American Army. Arrangements are being made to transfer immediately $50,000,000 to the Italian Government on account and as soon as the accounts can be processed such additional payments will be made as are found due. It is the view of the American Government that the Italian Government as a cobelligerent with the United Nations is entitled to such reimbursement.

The American people are deeply conscious of the contribution that Italy and her sons and daughters, have from the very beginning of our history, made to American life, and they wish to see the traditional ties that have bound together the peace-loving peoples of our two republics renewed and strengthened. The American people are happy to recognize the part that the Italian people have taken in liberating their country from the yoke of Fascist tyranny and in reestablishing a democratic government worthy of their finest traditions.”82

Sent Rome 264; repeated Department 5103.

  1. This telegram was repeated to the Department as No. 5103.
  2. Secretary of State Byrnes was attending the Paris Peace Conference, which met July 29–October 15, 1946.
  3. In despatch 4179 of October 18, Key reported that in the Roman newspapers of October 13 the announcement of the American decision followed the press release made in Paris on October 12. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Key had been unable to hand the text of the Secretary’s letter to De Gasperi until October 15, and the Prime Minister gave his reply the next day. There was only the minimum of publicity, Key reported, probably because by that time the story of the United States’ decision was considered old news. (740.00119–Control (Italy)/10–1846)
  4. The text of Prime Minister De Gasperi’s reply was forwarded in telegram 4024 of October 16, 1946, not printed.