740.00119 Control (Germany)/1–446: Circular telegram
The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic Representatives26
US representative, as acting chairman of Control Council for Germany,27 has been requested to transmit note on behalf of Control Council through US diplomatic missions.
Accordingly, please present note to FonOff, text of which follows:
“The Allied Control Council for Germany understands that there are a number of German military internees in neutral countries, and it desires to obtain certain information with a view to effecting the return of this personnel to Germany. With respect to such German military internees as may be held in the territory of blank (under scored) the Control Council would be grateful if it could be informed of the number of the internees by roster showing name, rank, branch of service and former place of residence in Germany. It would be appreciated if this data could be furnished not later than 1 March 1946, as it is urgently required.”