740.00119 Control (Germany)/10–2546: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


2455. At 28th meeting Kommandatura, October 25, Gen Nares88 (British) protested as violation of Control Council Order No. 389 and on humanitarian grounds the removal of German skilled workers, including families referred to in my 2435 and 2443 of October 24.90 Some workers removed, he indicated, were residents of British sector, Berlin. American commandant associated himself with the British protest which was referred by unanimous agreement to Control Council after General Kotikov, in response to American request for information about removals, refused to make any statement beyond that published in Taegliche Rundschau, October 25, which he described as “accurate”. This statement, which had not been seen by commandants other than Gen Kotikov91 at time of meeting, will be sent in subsequent telegram.92

At same meeting Gen Kotikov submitted a written statement complaining against what he described as “report read” by Neumann, leader of Social Democratic Party in Berlin, at meeting of party officials October 22 in Neukoelln (US sector). Statement characterized [Page 737] report as “criticism unheard of because of its insolence … against activities of Soviet occupation authorities.” He reminded his colleagues that such provocative conduct of Berlin SPD leaders had been subject of more than one discussion and that definite decisions had been taken by the Allied Kommandatura and by bodies of the ACA which warned these leaders against repetition of similar acts, and quoted several instances, as well as portions of paragraphs 2 and 3 of Directive No. 4093 which he regarded as violated by Neumann. His concluding remarks read as follows:

“I am forced to state to my colleagues that similar actions of the Social Democrat leaders of Berlin are a threat to the occupation regime of the Allies in Germany and demand immediate and confident measures to stop this. I would like to point out to my colleagues that the Social Democrat leaders chose the western Allied sectors of occupation for brazen attacks against one of the Allied powers, which makes their guilt all the greater, since by doing this they violate Directive No. 40 of the Coordinating Committee for ‘they have as their aim to rupture the unity of the Allies’.”

“As concerns the Soviet occupation authorities, we reserve the right to undertake such measures to stop this as the situation may demand.”

“This is the fourth protect against anti-Soviet attacks by leaders of Berlin Social Democrats.”

“I see in these systematic attacks a continuation of the propaganda hostile to the Soviet Union which was begun in Germany during the Nazi regime.”

“I do not intend any longer to limit myself to protests from which the leaders of the Berlin Social Democrats refuse to make the necessary deductions.”

“I request my colleagues on their part to take the necessary measures to stop this in respect of certain persons who systematically and flagrantly violate directives of the Soviet control bodies, sowing discord throughout the German population and calling them to disobedience to the occupying authorities.”

Discussion follows.

  1. Maj. Gen. Eric P. Nares, British Commandant, Berlin; British member, Allied Kommandatura, Berlin.
  2. Control Council Order No. 3, signed January 17, 1946, dealt with Registration of the Population of Employable Age. For text, see Official Gazette of the Control Council for Germany, No. 6 (April 30, 1946), p. 131. Possibly reference was meant to Control Council Proclamation No. 3, Fundamental Principles of Judicial Reform, October 20, 1945, which provided that “No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law.” For text, see ibid., No. 1 (October 29, 1945), p. 22.
  3. Neither printed. Telegram 2435 reported that at approximately 3 a.m. on October 22 a roundup was begun of skilled workers in the Soviet sector of Berlin and the Soviet zone. The workers were told that they were to go to the Soviet Union with their families for 2 to 5 years. An estimated 200 to 500 families were said to be involved.

    Telegram 2443 stated that an intelligence estimate placed the number of people involved in the deportations at 10,000 to 15,000. The telegram also said: “Though apparently not formally prohibited by any existing agreement these deportations seem to be particularly inhumane and it is remarked they occurred immediately following the October 20 elections. The action has caused widespread public anxiety.” (740.00119 Control (Germany)/10–2446)

  4. Maj. Gen. Alexander G. Kotikov, Soviet Commandant, Berlin; Soviet member, Allied Kommandatura, Berlin.
  5. See telegram 2466, October 26, from Berlin, p. 739.
  6. Control Council Directive No. 40, Policy to be Followed by German Politicians and the German Press, October 12, 1946, prohibited statements aimed at disrupting Allied unity, criticizing Allied decisions on Germany, or spreading anti-democratic ideas; for text, see Official Gazette of the Control Council for Germany, No. 11 (October 31, 1946), p. 212.