862.00/3–446: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy)


653. Urtel 676, Mar. 4.46 Developments re proposed merger KPD and SPD being followed by Dept with great interest. Dept will be particularly interested in repercussions Mar 1 meeting at which SPD members publicly demonstrated independent attitude. Aside from political developments question personal safety SPD members may arise. In cases that kind it is assumed US authorities will endeavor afford all feasible protection.

  1. Not printed; the first paragraph of this telegram reads as follows: “On March 1, 1946, at State Opera House in Soviet Sector of Berlin over 1,000 SPD functionaries from all Berlin by overwhelming majority revolted against SPD Central Committee and repudiated its plans for Zonal convention to decide amalgamation with KPD. Grotewohl spoke for unification and was repeatedly interrupted by boos, hisses, and calls from floor. When he said KPD was independent because Comintern was dissolved the whole audience roared with laughter. Finally exasperated, he demanded why he had been invited if convention did not want to listen to him. Answer from floor said: To account for your conduct. Other speakers opposed immediate unification, one saying amidst loud applause we are here to defend democracy in our party.” (862.00/3–446)