SWNCC 257 File: Telegram
The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commanding General, United States Forces, European Theater (McNarney)
War 97977. State, War, and Navy Departments have been asked to reconsider exploitation and denial program, and your S 755679 has been referred to them for consideration in that connection. Pending [Page 687] decision, maintain closest feasible surveillance of scientists on your revised list and Joint Chiefs of Staff denial lists forwarded by Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency. Included in matters under consideration is an expansion of Paperclip program for interim exploitation to provide also for denial and to increase to 1000 the total number of German scientists who may at one time be in the United States under the program, to increase the length of time each may remain in the United States under it, and to permit their families also to be brought in under the program. Suggest you prepare tentative plans for action in case program is expanded along those lines.