840.50 UNRRA/3–2946: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Austria (Erhardt)

323. UNRRA Council Mar 27 voted twenty-three to none for addition of following paragraph to resolution previous cabled you (Deptel # 308 Mar. 27) with Soviets and Soviet orbit countries refraining from discussion or voting. Text or [of] additional paragraph to resolution follows:

“That if the Central Committee determines on information received from the administration or any other official authoritative source that any such military forces are not carrying out the provisions mentioned in 1 above (not to requisition), the administration shall accordingly adjust its program in such a way that to the greatest practicable extent the deficit in relief supplies thereby created will not reduce the standard of living in areas other than the zones in which the military forces of the member governments responsible for causing the deficit are present, except that the Director General in consultation with the Central Committee, may take other appropriate action if he deems it advisable.”
