840.50 UNRRA/3–1046: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the United States Political Adviser for Austria (Erhardt)
u.s. urgent
222. Dept received yesterday British aide-mémoire64 stating that Brit Govt prepared to support fully position in Deptel 201, March 4, [Page 318] in AC meeting March 11. Brit Govt does not however desire to take categorical position at this time to oppose UNRRA program if Soviet assurances are not forthcoming. British state that absence of UNRRA program may perpetuate economic frontiers between zones and set back recovery of Austria creating a situation which may not be undesired by Soviets.
It now appears that in absence UNRRA program it is possible that British and French would be unable to furnish supplies for their zones. US would have to underwrite supplies for all three zones.
In view of these circumstances please request Gen Clark to state in AC on March 11 that US intends to reconsider its position on UNRRA program for Austria in light of Soviet action and that issue will inevitably be raised at fourth UNRRA council meeting Atlantic City March 15. This meeting will consist of representatives of nearly all United Nations and will probably be open to the press. Gen Clark should not commit US to categorical opposition to UNRRA program in Austria at this time, although this position may be taken by US in UNRRA Council after ascertaining Soviet response and further consultation with Brit and French. This is only modification in Deptel 201.
US representative will also state this position in UNRRA Central Committee March 12.
War Department concurs but due to lack of time will be unable to transmit cable through regular channels until tomorrow.
Sent to Vienna as 222; repeated to Moscow as 432; to London as 2156, and to Paris as 1111.
- Not printed.↩