
Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Central European Affairs (Riddleberger) and the Acting Chief of the Division of Southern European Affairs (Reber) to the Director of the Office of European Affairs (Matthews)

Mr. Matthews: Attached are two memoranda prepared respectively in CE and SE presenting opposing views on the problem of the South Tyrol.13

At a meeting today Mr. Riddleberger, Mr. Reber, Mr. Dowling and Mr. Williamson agreed to the following view concerning the South Tyrol question: “If the question is reopened in the Council of Foreign Ministers with a view to changing the agreement that the Italo-Austrian frontier ‘would be unchanged subject to hearing any case which Austria might present for minor rectification in her favor’, it is recommended that we oppose the outright cession of Bolzano to Austria. Consideration should be given to a solution of the problem through the holding of a plebiscite to decide the issue.”

Samuel Reber
James W. Riddleberger
  1. Memoranda of January 3 and January 7, pp. 286 and 288, respectively.