740.00119 Control (Germany)/6–2646: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Austria (Erhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 27—8:18 a.m.]
910. Text of proposals Danube traffic requested your 583, June 2165 follows: [Page 265]
“Agenda for informal meeting with Soviets 16 May 1946.
- (1).
- That commercial traffic be resumed on Danube from Regensburg to Black Sea and vice versa.
- (2).
- That security from seizure be guaranteed to all ships, their crews and their cargoes.
- (3).
- That all vessels on Danube be allowed to sail under flag they are flying at present time (Yugo and Czecho vessels under their own flag).
- (4).
- That no excessive duties, tolls fees or other impediments be imposed on vessels or cargoes thereon that will hinder free commerce.
- (5).
- That all ships at present on Danube be pooled and vessels be supplied from the pool according to needs.
- (6).
- That the pool be managed by the companies that have vessels therein and under general supervision by USSR and USA elements as representing the powers directly responsible for control of zones on river.
- (7).
- That the management of pool be charged with instituting rates and general traffic regulations which shall be uniform.
- (8).
- That information be exchanged freely on conditions of navigation and responsibility be undertaken for river maintenance and navigation items over the whole length of river.”
Soviets have not responded. Believed due to coming discussions in Paris and connected with increasingly apparent Soviet press campaign throwing blame to Western Allies especially US for failure resume river traffic. American authorities here have not taken further initiative due to Department’s desire caution and imminent discussions Paris.
- Not printed; in it the Department requested the text of the proposals made to the Soviet Government regarding the opening of Danubian traffic (740.00119 Control (Germany)/5–2946).↩