SWNCC 46 Series: Telegram

The Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commanding General, United States Forces, Austria (Clark)


WAR 87199. Following is text of telegram S–3796 September 17, 1946 from USFET:

“Reurad WX 89544 of 20th December 1945.21

“Subject is emigration from the U.S. Zone of Germany of Soviet nationals of Mennonite persuasion.

  • “1. There are in the U.S. Zone of Germany between 5–6000 displaced Soviet nationals of Mennonite persuasion, of whom 6–700 are registered for and receiving United Nations displaced persons care and treatment. The majority have not registered because they fear forcible repatriation.
  • “2. The Mennonite Central Committee, an American voluntary agency, has offered to sponsor the emigration of these particular displaced persons at their expense to such countries as Paraguay and Canada, in both of which countries there are successful Mennonite settlements. This agency is currently concluding an administrative contract with UNRRA to work among these people.
  • “3. Since the inauguration of the emigration program to the United States, a procedure has been established for exit from the Zone for emigration purposes. Persons are not presented to visaing authorities or otherwise documented for emigration purposes until a security screening has taken place, and in cases of emigration to Central and South American countries the approval of the political adviser has been obtained.
  • “4. The Soviet Repatriation Mission, this Headquarters, recently protested the emigration of certain of their nationals to the United [Page 194] States on grounds that they were subject to forcible repatriation. When queried on the matter the State Department responded to their Immigration Liaison Officer, this Headquarters, as per State Department’s cable number 239 dated 25 July 1945 to Vance from Haering,22 that persons of Soviet nationality not subject to forcible repatriation were eligible for emigration to the United States.
  • “5. On the assumption that the Soviet Repatriation Mission is likely to continue to protest the emigration of their nationals from the Zone, it is requested that authorization be given this Headquarters to arrange for the emigration of those Soviet nationals who leave the Zone under the sponsorship of an accredited agency and who do not, in the opinion of this Headquarters, fall within the terms of the Yalta Agreement as being subject to forcible repatriation as per your WX–89544 of 20 December 1945.”

To the above the following reply has been made to USFET:

“Authorization requested in 5th paragraph your number S–3796 September 17 granted.”

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  1. Not printed; this telegram transmitted the text of the directive cited in footnote 60, p. 152.
  2. Reference apparently in error.