740.00119 Control (Germany)/10–1246: Telegram
The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 13—3:20 a.m.]
2367. For your information, following is résumé of a directive being published by OMGUS:
Enemy and ex-enemy nationals (Bulgarians, Hungarians and Rumanians; Austrians are excluded) will be assembled, registered and cared for by German authorities under supervision of military government.
When these displaced persons are prepared for repatriation and loaded aboard trains, responsibility is transferred to the United States Army whose personnel will escort the trains to their ultimate destination and protect the rolling stock during its return to Germany.
Directive exempts all persons and members of their immediate families who qualify as persecutees or who would be subject to potential persecution if required to return to their countries of origin.
Program affects estimated total 40,000 persons as follows: Austrians (voluntary repatriation) 15,000, Hungarians 20,000, Bulgarians 2,000 and Rumanians 3,000. This will conclude a program which has been in process since conclusion of hostilities.
Inasmuch as the execution of this directive will require movements through Austria, OMGUS requests that all assistance be given to obtain uninterrupted transit of the occupied zones of Austria.
Sent Department as 2367; repeated Paris for Matthews as 331.