840.48 Refugees/8–1446: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Italy (Key)


1610. Critical situation now faced by US military authorities Austria as result large and unexpected movement Jewish refugees from Poland. Refugees cross Zecho by train to Vienna and majority infiltrate US zone Vienna and US zone Austria. 10,000 arrived first 6 days Aug and 60,000 more expected within next 90 days. US zones Austria used as transit for other destinations but vast numbers remain to become charges on US military authorities.94 5000 will be [Page 180] moved to US zone Germany and Brit zone Austria will absorb 1,500. Gen Clark reports no camp space available and any further influx of refugees will require removal of DPs from camps and billeting them on Austrian population. In view critical relief situation Austria and limited relief program, US considers this highly undesirable. No UNRRA personnel available for emergency camps and shortage of military personnel makes construction and administration of camps impossible.

US informed that DP camps at Milan and Bari are empty and desires to move 25,000 refugees to them within next 60 days. This movement will be controlled and administered by US military personnel and by UNRRA and will involve no financial burden on Ital Govt. Provisions will be made by US, UNRRA and by Jewish organizations for feeding of refugees and future provisions made for disposition after withdrawal US military forces 90 days following ratification of treaty. Request you discuss this matter urgently with FonOff and request early consent Ital Govt to movement refugees to DP camps at Milan and Bari. Brit view has been requested by Dept.95

Dept has addressed notes to Polish and Zecho Govts96 requesting agreement with US military authorities Austria for regulation of train movement of refugees to Vienna.

Sent to Rome as 1610; repeated to Moscow as 1489; to London as 6051; and to Vienna as 759.

  1. Telegram 1131, August 18, from Vienna, elaborated on these points as follows:

    “There is fortunately no anti-Semitic activity here. However, the refugees from Poland wish merely to pass through Austria rather than stay here. They seek other destinations primarily Palestine, secondarily Americas.

    “The problem here is thus one of temporary haven and onward movement rather than settlement. It is of such magnitude as to be beyond capabilities of Austrian authorities to handle and to call for more able handling by military authorities who have done so admirably considering their overburdened facilities.” (840.48 Refugees/8–1846)

  2. British reaction was requested in telegram 6052, August 14, to London, not printed. Telegram 7574, August 16, from London, reported that oral response of the Foreign Office had not been favorable. The British Government preferred reintegration of the Jews into the economic life of Europe as recommended by the Anglo-American Commission on Palestine. This aim would be frustrated by any policy which appeared to encourage a Jewish exodus to Italy where the camps operated by the American Joint Distribution Committee were already stepping stones to Palestine. (840.48 Refugees /8–1646)
  3. Not printed, but see telegram 755, August 12, to Vienna, p. 178.