740.00119 Control (Germany)/7–1646: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser for Germany (Murphy) to the Secretary of State


1733. My 1690, July 1080 (repeated to London by Dept for Warren, 202 to Paris, 45 to Budapest, 17 to Bucharest, and 2 to Sofia) re proposed USFET directive forcible repatriating Hungarians, Bulgarians and Rumanians in assembly centers. US position as outlined in mentioned telegram and as understood here did not have reference specifically to enemy displaced persons but to US vigorous support of principle of voluntary repatriation. This position appears logical extension to enemy displaced persons of policies adopted for ex-enemy persons such as Austrians and Italians. It also appears in line with your 107 July 13, 1945; my 209, July 24, 1945; your 180 July 27, 1945.81

USFET has now advanced modified proposal which would repatriate all subject nationals in displaced persons centers but would require those unwilling to return to leave such centers and become part of German community.

Enemy displaced persons centers by present directives are operated and supplied by Germans.

Sent Dept 1733, repeated London for Embassy and Warren 251, to Paris 211, to Budapest 49, to Bucharest 21 and to Sofia as 3.

  1. Text quoted in telegram 5317, July 11, supra.
  2. Foreign Relations, 1945, vol. ii, pp. 1176, 1177, and 1179, respectively.