800.4016 DP/4–2346

The Secretary of State to the Secretary of War (Patterson)

Dear Mr. Secretary: Referring to our several conversations with reference to the camps for displaced persons in the American zone in Germany, after discussing this question with the President he advised me to say to you that he did not wish the camps closed in August as the Department had planned. It is the President’s view that the camps should not be closed until full opportunity is offered for the governments to provide a substitute plan for the care of these people.

The General Assembly of the United Nations appointed a committee to consider this question and make a report to the next meeting of the Assembly. The next meeting will not be held until September. The President believes it will be unwise to close the camps in August before the United Nations Assembly has had an opportunity to act upon the report of its committee. He therefore asked that the order for the closing of the camps in August be not issued.

Sincerely yours,

James F. Byrnes