Article 16
Amendment to Article 16
The frontier between Yugoslavia and the Free Territory of Trieste shall follow a line extending eastward from a point situated on the coast between Miramare and Cedas, so as to include the village of Opicina within the boundaries of the Free Territory, and to leave the railway lines between Opicina and Gorizia, and Opicina and S. Pietro del Carso, and their junction with the railway station at Opicina within Yugoslav territory. From thence the line shall run in the direction of Monte dei Pini (476 m.) and shall continue south-eastwards, leaving the villages of Grogada and Basovizza in the Free Territory and the village of Grozzana in Yugoslavia. Between Basovizza and Grozzana, the line shall run southward, leaving the villages of Bagnoli, San Dorligo della Valle and Prebenigo in the Free Territory, and San Servolo in Yugoslavia.
At a point situated between Prebenigo and Ospo, the line shall turn westward, leaving the village of Plavia in the Free Territory and the villages of Antignano and Cravantini in Yugoslavia, and rejoining the Adriatic at the Cape of Punta Grossa.