C.F.M. Files: Lot M–88: Box 2063: CFM Records of Decision

Record of Decisions, Council of Foreign Ministers, Second Session, Twenty-Eighth Meeting, Palais du Luxembourg, Paris, June 27, 1946, 4 p.m.

C.F.M. (46) 28th Meeting, 27 June, 1946.


M. Molotov (Chairman)
M. Vyshinsky
M. Dekanozov
M. Gousev
U.K. U.S.A
Mr. Bevin Mr. Byrnes
Mr. Jebb Mr. Connally
Mr. Harvey Mr. Vandenberg
Mr. Duff Cooper Mr. Dunn
Mr. Bohlen
M. Bidault
M. Couve de Murville
Gen. Catroux
M. Henri Bonnet

I. Report of the Deputies and Agenda

The Council approved the Deputies’ Report submitted by the Acting Chairman.59

It instructed the Deputies to complete their examination of the Peace Treaty with Finland.

It agreed to place on its Agenda, following the questions listed by the Deputies in document C.F.M. (46) 158, the question of the Franco-Italian frontier and decided to discuss, if possible, other questions dealing with the Italian and Balkan Peace Treaties.

II. Danube

Views were exchanged on this question.

[Page 663]

III. Peace Treaty With Roumania (C.F.M.(D) (46)182)60

1. Restoration of United Nations property (Art. 24)

It was agreed to resume the discussion of this question as soon as a decision had been taken on the same point in the Draft Treaty with Italy.

2. Roumanian Assets on United Nations territory (Art. 26)

Agreement in principle was reached on the proposal of the Soviet Delegation (C.F.M.(46) 162)61 subject to a reservation by the U.K. Delegation for reconsideration of the wording by the Economic Committee.

3. General Economic Relations: Civil Aviation (Art. 33, Para, (c) of the U.K. Delegation’s proposal)62

Views were exchanged on this question, but no agreement reached.

4. Transport, shipping and civil aviation (Art. 34)63

The U.K. Delegation having stated that it would not insist for the time being on the proposal embodied in this Article being inserted in the Treaty, reserved the right to raise this question later if necessary. The Council took note of this reservation.

5. Renunciation of claims (Art. 31)64

The Council instructed the Deputies to draw up a text based on that agreed for the draft Treaty with Italy, and applying the same wording in the draft Treaties with Hungary, Bulgaria and Finland.

6. Restitution (Appendix I)65

Question of replacement (Part II, para. 2)
Agreement was reached in principle on the following wording suggested by the Soviet Delegation:

“The Roumanian Government and the Government entitled to restitution may conclude agreements which will replace the provisions of the present Article.”

The Drafting Committee was instructed to draw up the final text.
Burden of Proof (Part III, para. 1)
The Council adopted the wording suggested by the U.S. Delegation in the 5th sub paragraph of this paragraph.

7. United Nations property: Expenses (Appendix II, Part III, para 3)66

The Council adopted the text proposed in para. 3.

[Page 664]

IV. Draft Treaty ‘With Bulgaria

Limitations to be imposed on the Bulgarian Navy.

The Report of the Committee of Naval Experts (C.F.M.(46)155) was adopted.67

V. Draft Treaty With Italy (C.F.M.(D) (46)177)68

Franco-Italian frontier (Art. 2)
The Report of the Committee of Hydro-electric Experts on the question of Mont Cenis (C.F.M.(46)159)69 was adopted.
The Council adopted Rectification No. 4 proposed by the French Delegation for the Tenda and Briga district in its Memorandum of 4th February, 1946.70
The Council approved the recommendations and guarantees set forth in the reports (C.F.M.(46)159 and C.F.M.(D) (46)163)71 by the special Committees which studied the above mentioned sectors of the French-Italian frontier and include those recommendations and guarantees in the corresponding articles and annexes of the Peace Treaty with Italy.
Dodecanese (Arts. 12 and 13)
The Council agreed that the Dodecanese islands should be ceded to Greece.
It was noted that the Committee on Colonies would be ready to submit its report on 28th June.

VI. Further Proceedings

Next meeting of the Council—4 p.m. on 28th June.
Next meeting of Deputies—11 a.m., 28th June, to prepare the Council Agenda on Balkan and Finnish questions.
Committee for the Colonies to meet on 28th June at 10 a.m.
  1. The substance of the Deputies’ Report, which was circulated separately as C.F.M.(46) 158, is set forth in the United States Delegation Record, supra.
  2. Not printed.
  3. The text of the C.F.M.(46) 162, June 27, 1946, is included in the United States Delegation Record of this meeting, supra (see footnote 47, p. 654).
  4. Regarding article 33 of C.F.M.(D) (46) 182, see footnote 34, p. 637.
  5. For text of article 34, see footnote 51, p. 656.
  6. Regarding article 31, see footnote 54, p. 660.
  7. Appendix I to C.F.M.(D) (46) 182 is printed separately as C.F.M.(D) (46) 139, June 5, 1946, p. 474.
  8. The text of the paragraph under reference, which is quoted in the United States Delegation Record of this meeting, supra, was subsequently included as paragraph 5 of article 24 of the Draft Peace Treaty with Rumania submitted to the Peace Conference; see Paris Peace Conference 1946, p. 666.
  9. The text of C.F.M.(46) 155, June 26, 1946, is given in footnote 44, p. 648.
  10. Not printed.
  11. Infra.
  12. Reference here is to C.F.M.(D) (46) 15, February 4, 1946, p. 10.
  13. Ante, p. 483.