838.51 Cooperation Program/9–1245: Airgram

The Ambassador in Haiti (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

A–336. I have conveyed in writing to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and orally to President Lescot and Ministers of Finance and Agriculture opinion of Department as set forth on page 2 of airgram: [Page 1102] no. 225 dated August 31 concerning amortization schedules for 1945–46.

I gather from a reliable source that the Haitian Government is preparing to accede to Department’s views and will obtain, to that effect, the approval of the Board of Directors of the National Bank. The Government’s plan is as follows:

At the end of September $800,000 is to be sent to the United States drawn from the expected surplus of 7,000,000 gourdes. $400,000 of this is to pay the Export-Import Bank note falling due on November 15, and $400,000 to retire the six percent bonds of the issues of 1922–23. In order to pay the remaining $700,000, $500,000 has been incorporated in the budget of 1945–46 (see my despatch no. 998 dated September 11, 1945.29) $400,000 of this will be used to liquidate the Export-Import Bank note maturing in May 1945 [1945?] and $100,000 to amortize the six percent bonds. This amount will be transmitted to Washington about May 1. The remaining $200,000 will be taken from the balance of 3,000,000 gourdes of the 1944–45 surplus, depending, however, upon the volume of the Government’s current receipts, and will probably be sent to Washington at the same time. The remaining 2,000,000 gourdes will be used to meet excess budgetary expenses.

This plan resembles that adopted in 1944–45. If it should be put into effect, it will presumably be necessary to conclude a supplementary executive agreement with Haiti.

  1. Not printed.