The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Cuba (Wright)
Sir: The Department has read with care and with concern, the Embassy’s confidential despatch no. 9343 of May 15, 1945, entitled “Deterioration of Cuban Price Control”.
The recommendations of the Embassy regarding this subject have been noted, particularly the observation that for the present the Government of the United States should continue to fulfill its commitment in so far as possible with respect to the supplying of rice, lard and wheat flour to Cuba. It is believed that the various agencies of the United States Government that are involved in the supplying of those products have discharged their functions quite satisfactorily in [Page 935] accord with the letter and the spirit of the notes exchanged between your Embassy and the Cuban Foreign Office on April 26, 1945 (see Embassy’s despatch no. 9241 of April 27, 1945).82 There may have been occasions on which the acceptances of orders and the making of deliveries by private firms have not in every respect lived up to the expectations of the Cuban business interests involved, or to the complete satisfaction of the Cuban Government. Thus far, however, no instance has come to the attention of the Department where there has been any failure of the United States Government agencies to fulfill loyally their obligations under the commitments mentioned.
The Department is also interested in the second recommendation advanced in despatch no. 9343, i.e., that representation be made to the Cuban Embassy in Washington to the effect that there should be a more effective enforcement of the Cuban Government’s price control measure. It is believed that because of the absence from Washington of the Cuban Ambassador, and due to the fact that a discussion of this subject in any event could more appropriately and with greater effectiveness be conducted at Habana, it would be desirable for such conversations to be held as soon as convenient with the appropriate officials of the Cuban Government. You are authorized to initiate such discussions at your earliest opportunity.
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You are requested to keep the Department fully informed of the results of the conversations and of any significant developments regarding Cuban commodity prices.
Very truly yours,