740.0011 EW/1–2645
The Acting Secretary of
State to the Ambassador in Chile (Bowers)
No. 4697
Washington, January 26,
Sir: I refer to the Department’s secret
telegram no. 41 of January 12, concerning the importance of Chile’s
formalizing its status by becoming a member of the United Nations. This
matter is taking on added importance and, in order to present the need
for early action and make his own stand clear and unequivocal, the
President has considered it best to address personal letters in the
premises to the Presidents of the six American republics concerned.
The letter addressed to the President of Chile is enclosed and you are
requested to deliver it immediately to President Ríos. A copy is
likewise attached for your secret information. Similar presentations are
being made at Quito, Lima, Caracas, Montevideo and Asunción.
I wish to underline the fact that the highest importance is attached to
Chile’s taking this step at the earliest possible date. I am confident
that you will present the matter urgently and at the same time in its
proper perspective.
Please submit a telegraphic report as soon as possible.
Very truly yours,
President Roosevelt to the President of Chile
My Dear Mr. President: I want to take this
opportunity to tell you how tremendously helpful the generous
contributions of Chile have been toward bringing the war against our
enemies to its present stage. At this time all of us need to be
thinking increasingly of the basic arrangements which will have to
be made for the establishment, after the defeat of the enemy, of a
lasting peace based upon a formal and permanent organization.
As you are of course aware, the creation of such an organization has
already been extensively discussed and the time is rapidly
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approaching for the taking
of far-reaching steps looking toward agreement at a full conference
upon a definitive charter for a world security organization. In this
connection the concept of the United Nations, as a symbol of unity
for peace and progress and the juridical framework for the joint
action of the peace-loving nations in the organization of the peace,
as well as in the conduct of the war, is daily acquiring greater
concreteness and importance.
At recent United Nations conferences there were representatives of
nine nations, participating in the war but not signatories to the
United Nations Declaration.67 Of these,
one (France) has since changed its status by formally adhering to
that Declaration. Of the remaining eight Chile is one. With the
growing crystallization of the concept of the United Nations it is
being increasingly urged that invitations to the coming United
Nations Conference on world security organization should be limited
to those nations which are signatories of the United Nations
I consider it of the utmost importance that Chile which has
contributed so much should sit in full membership at this Conference
as one of the United Nations. I therefore take the liberty of
bringing these considerations urgently to your attention and venture
to suggest that your government may wish to consider the
desirability of formalizing its present position by taking the
necessary steps to becoming a signatory of that Declaration.
With kindest personal regards,
Very sincerely yours,
Franklin D. Roosevelt