835.00/10–1945: Circular airgram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Representatives in the American Republics

Perón Returns to Power—Colonel Perón has returned to power in Argentina. Events are moving so rapidly and popular emotions are being so strongly swayed that adequate interpretation is impossible. The strong man of Argentina’s army-dominated Government who fell from power a few days ago and was reportedly sent to prison by the forces behind the Government, returned to Buenos Aires yesterday.

The sequence of events, all of which are not yet reliably confirmed, appears to be as follows. While labor unions were striking and calling for Perón, President Farrell announced that Perón was not imprisoned but simply in protective custody. Army officers including Minister of War Avalos visited Perón in a Buenos Aires hospital offering him the Government in the name of President Farrell. Perón refused but named a Minister of War and Police Chief he wished to have appointed. Later, President Farrell announced that the Cabinet had resigned and that Mercante,38 a man favored by Peron would be Secretary of Labor. Farrell also said the Government would not be handed over to the Supreme Court, a move the directorate of the combined political parties had been urging. One newspaper has already announced a new pro-Perón cabinet. To culminate Perón’s victory, the Colonel spoke before a great throng hailing the day’s series of events as a great victory for the working classes.

Embassy Buenos Aires’ first assessment of the situation is as follows. Minister of War Avalos and Foreign Minister Admiral Vernango do not seem to have had the courage and firmness to face Perón’s maneuvers early enough, nor did the civilian anti-Perón elements act quickly enough. The Attorney General,39 who had been charged with the forming of a Cabinet did not obtain acceptances until just before Perón’s return to power.

Clearly this is not an overthrow of government by popular will and the enthusiasm of the crowds to considerable measure has been synthetically generated. Cortesi of the New York Times notes, however, that while old line labor leaders are anti-Perón, the rank and file of labor may feel Perón is a benefactor and moreover be apprehensive lest a new Government be too conservative. The importance of the strategically located pro-Perón unions may have affected [Page 422] Avalos’ decision. Farrell obviously walked out on his word again. The police, which has not yet been purged of Peronista elements, has apparently aided pro-Perón forces. The decision must now rest with the army and navy, principally the former. It has been reliably reported that the navy is moving out and that a reaction is brewing in the Campo de Mayo. Anti-Perón forces are not yet in evidence, but it cannot be assumed that these efforts are over. Civil war appears quite possible. General strike plans continue.

  1. Presumably Hugo Mercante.
  2. Antonio Juan Benítez.