The Secretary of State to the Bolivian Ambassador (Andrade)55
The Secretary of State presents his compliments to His Excellency the Ambassador of Bolivia and has the honor to inform him that the President recently sent a memorandum to the Joint Chiefs of Staff concerning the issuance of lend-lease munitions of war and military and naval equipment to Allied Governments. Besides outlining the general terms for such issuance, the President directed that “maintenance items” for United States equipment now in the possession of allied armies might be issued, for purposes other than those specifically approved as eligible, against payment on terms and conditions to be determined by the Department of State and the Foreign Economic Administration in accordance with established procedures.
The Ambassador is hereby advised that until further notice, the War and Navy Departments may issue such maintenance items on the understanding that his government make full cash payment upon presentation of a bill by the Foreign Economic Administration. In view of the current readjustments in procurement by this government of munitions and military and naval equipment, it is suggested that this government should be informed of the requirements of the government of Bolivia for the maintenance items in question.
- Similar notes were addressed by the Secretary of State to the diplomatic representatives of certain other American Republics in the United States.↩