710.11/12–1545: Telegram

The Ambassador in Haiti (Wilson) to the Secretary of State

391. Foreign Minister55 has furnished me today text of his note to the Uruguayan Foreign Minister in reply to the latter’s proposal concerning multilateral action against any American state violating elementary human rights.

The Haitian Govt considers that such a policy would arouse suspicion and discord tending to destroy the harmony on which inter-Embassy system rests. It remains firmly attached to the principle of non-intervention recognized at the Conference of Montevideo of 1933, and it considers that a collective multilateral action is inconsistent [Page 211] with the provisions of part II of the UNO (United Nations Organization) charter.

The note adds that it is not possible to draw a clear distinction between individual intervention and collective multilateral action as the effects of the latter might easily be confused with the former. It concludes by stating that the Haitian Govt has always collaborated in perfecting the inter-American system and that it is prepared to proceed to an exchange of views with the other republics to seek a means to achieve the ends sought by the proposal of the Uruguayan Govt.

Copy and translation will be forwarded by airmail.56

  1. Gérard Lescot.
  2. Not printed.