810.20 Defense/8–145
The Ambassador in Uruguay (Dawson) to the Secretary of State
[Received August 8.]
Sir: With reference to the Department’s telegram no. 258 of June 28, 7:00 p.m., 1945,57 and in confirmation of this Embassy’s telegram no. 492 of July 30, 4:00 p.m., 1945,57 I have the honor to report that the staff conversations between representatives of the United States and the Uruguayan Armies and Navies which have been in progress since March of this year (Embassy’s despatch no. 5585 of March 16, 194554) were formally concluded on July 27, 1945, and that all the participants consider that the conversations were successful.
On that date Admiral Munroe, General Wooten, General Laguarda,55 Admiral Schroeder56 and other American and Uruguayan participants, met in the Office of the Minister of National Defense and signed a statement in the nature of a protocol, copies of which in English and Spanish are enclosed.57 It will be observed that the statement declares that “the work was completed as formulated in the documents set out in front of said members, each member possessing an identical copy of said documents.” The documents referred to will be assembled by Colonel Meredith C. Noble, G.S.C., USAFSA, at Recife, Brazil, who will make available to the Embassy two complete sets. As soon as received, the Embassy will transmit one set to the Department for its information and files.
On July 28th, the Ambassador accompanied Admiral Munroe and General Wooten in a courtesy call on President Amézaga. In accordance with standing instructions, there is attached a copy of the Ambassador’s remarks57 on that occasion.
Respectfully yours,
I Secretary of Embassy
[Following the termination of hostilities with Japan, notification was sent to Embassies of the American Republics in the United States receiving Lend Lease aid that Lend Lease operations were being terminated. The text of the note to the Embassies is quoted in circular telegram of October 6, 1945, printed on page 256. The note to the Uruguayan Ambassador was dated September 28, 1945.
[Page 1381]In a subsequent notice addressed to certain Embassies, this was modified to permit the issuance of maintenance items. The note to the Uruguayan Ambassador on October 16, 1945, was similar to that sent to the Bolivian Ambassador on the same date printed on page 257.]