102.8951: Telegram
The Ambassador in Peru (White) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 12—1:20 a.m.]
485. Truslow RDC from Losa. Reurtels 387, April 19, and 423, April 30, 8 p.m. Have concluded an exchange of letters with Ministerio de Hacienda regarding extension of the rubber and price bonus agreements to June 30, 1947. Their reply expresses complete agreement to these extensions in principle and under the same present terms and further indicate their readiness to formalize these extensions with official exchange of notes through American Embassy. This offer to extend agreements to June 30, 1947, greatly appreciated by both Minister East and Peruvian Amazon Corporation directors. Am confident that effective publicity will be given this news with resultant gratifying results in the form of increased rubber production for the remainder of the program.69 [Losa.]
- The notes exchanged were dated May 15 and 18, 1945, not printed.↩