The Secretary of State to the Minister in Saudi Arabia (Eddy)
The Secretary of State refers to despatch no. 1571 from Jidda on the subject of the request by the Saudi Arabian Government for an extension of the American agricultural mission at Al Kharj, and the attached copy of the letter dated July 18, 19452 from the Acting Foreign Minister to the American Minister at Jidda. The fact has been noted that on the occasion of Mr. Eddy’s recent visit with Colonel Hoskins to Riyadh, King Abdul Aziz expressed his satisfaction at the accomplishments of the American agricultural mission at Al Kharj, and requested that its work continue beyond the 18 months originally envisaged.
The Officer in Charge should, in his discretion, inform the Government of Saudi Arabia that the Government of the United States is gratified that King Ibn Saud looks with favor on the work being done by the American agricultural mission at Al Kharj.
Amir Faisal was informed on August 1 in Washington that it will not be possible for the United States to continue to provide funds for this mission beyond the original 18 months. He was also told that the United States contemplated making a five million dollar loan to the Government of Saudi Arabia through the Export-Import Bank for development purposes, and that agricultural work in and around Al Kharj is an example of the type of project which this Government would like to see the Government of Saudi Arabia undertake with these funds.