890F.24/7–1845: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Saudi Arabia (Eddy)
218. Deptel 187, July 5; 197, July 13; 204, July 16; and Jidda’s 274, July 18 and 278, July 23.72 Brit here have received word from Jidda via London re certain differences in Brit and American texts of joint 1945 supply program communication to Ibn Saud.
After discussion we have agreed to following changes:
Line 8 para 1 Deptel 187 strike out “on a subsidy basis”. Insert “free of charge”.
Section d para 3, Deptel 187 under column headed “Item” should read “automotive replacement parts of US manufacture for trucks and cars owned by Saudi Govt”. This wording reached after discussion with Brit and FEA in which Deptel 197, July 13, para 1 and Jidda’s 274, July 18 and 278, July 23, were kept in mind. We recognize that [Page 935] all Saudi Govt trucks need spare parts. Under this arrangement, however, certain automotive replacement parts of US manufacture that will fit will be available for all trucks and cars owned by Saudi Govt regardless of whether those trucks and cars are of US, Canadian, UK or other manufacture. Brit prefer that automotive replacement parts of Canadian and UK origin if sent to Saudi Arabia in 1945 be outside joint supply program and on payment basis.
Section d para 3 under column headed Quantity “$114,000” should read “$114,800”.
Section g para 3 Deptel 187, under “Quantity” strike out “£120,000 (sterling)” and add “His Majesty’s Government in the UK will as part of their contribution to this program furnish the Saudi Arabian Government with £10,000 (sterling) a month in respect of the expenditure incurred on Saudi Arabian missions and consulates”.
Brit here have wired London their approval these changes with wish that delivery of joint notes be expedited. We hope that any further differences between your and Brit texts can be adjusted in Jidda and identical documents presented to Ibn Saud at earliest possible date.
Sent Jidda, repeated Cairo.
- Nos. 274 and 278 not printed.↩