890F.248/7–1545: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Minister in Saudi Arabia (Eddy)

210. We are glad to have your penetrating analysis of Saudi-Brit-American relations (reLegs despatch 150, July 8 and Jidda’s 270, July 15). You are authorized to meet with Saudi officials at Gen. Giles’ convenience to conclude airfield details and contract. War will send Gen. Giles technical instructions. Assume you will obtain at once necessary entry permits for construction personnel and equipment and notify Gen. Giles. To assure US operation of airfield we are exploring possibility of TWA making independent contract with King at time of your meeting providing for TWA operation when field reverts to Saudis. If King is unwilling alternative is to incorporate in contract your recommended stipulation that when field reverts all foreign technicians employed shall be American but Dept dislikes this stipulation since as matter of general policy we are opposed to exclusive advisor arrangements such as exist in Iraq in favor of Brit. What is your recommendation? Do not hold meeting until this point settled. If commercial contract feasible TWA68 Cairo representative and Air Attaché Curren will be instructed to accompany Gen. Giles and you. No further consideration will be given [Page 933] to Mansour’s projected trip unless you have compelling reason to recommend otherwise.

Sent Jidda, repeated Cairo for Gen. Giles.

  1. Transcontinental & Western Air, Inc.