890F.20 Mission/7–445: Telegram
The Vice Consul at Dhahran (Sands) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 5—8:50 a.m.]
35. From Eddy. King Abdul Aziz has decided to decline the service of a U.S. Army military mission preferring to have foreign cooperation in developing his country achieved through civilian agencies (this applies to the projects proposed by Connor Mission including road building, but does not affect Saudi agreement to permit construction of air field at Dhahran).
King’s decision against foreign military assistance in his domestic economy based on three objections (1) criticism by fanatical reactionary subjects (2) abuse from his Hashemite47 enemies who proclaim him a puppet under foreign military and (3) objection by British to a military mission in which they do not share at least equality [equally?]. Full details by pouch.48 [Eddy.]
- The family of Hussein, Sherif of Mecca and guardian of the Moslem holy places in the Hejaz, who, in alliance with the British, led the Arab revolt during World War I which led to the detachment of the Arab lands of the Ottoman Empire from Turkish sovereignty. Sons of Hussein founded dynasties in Iraq and Transjordan.↩
- See despatch 150, July 8, from Jidda, p. 923.↩