890F.248/5–1345: Telegram

The Minister in Saudi Arabia (Eddy) to the Secretary of State

205. ReDepts No. 130, May 3, 6 p.m. Results of visit to Riyadh with Colonel Connor. Details by pouch:2 [Page 894]

King Abdul Aziz grants permission for construction of airfield at Dhahran provided field and fixed installations pass to Saudi Government immediately war ends.
King grants use of field by US Forces for period of 3 years after end of war, and most-favored-nation terms for US commercial airlines when field is opened to civil aviation.
King is grateful for offer to build road but wishes engineer and survey team be sent now to determine with him location and type of road from Riyadh to Persian Gulf before construction is planned. He holds strong views on route to be chosen.
King wishes a week or more to consider with advisors other services offered with military mission. His desire for aviation school was obvious as well as need for medical and health services but his reply on services requested of mission will follow later.
Colonel Connor is proceeding immediately to Cairo to confer with General Giles thence to Washington to make full report in person to War Department.

Repeated to Cairo as No. 120 for General Giles.

  1. Despatch 124, May 13, 1945, not printed; it reported that Colonel Eddy, accompanied by Colonel Connor, Lt. Col. K. K. Ellis and Maj. Harry Snyder, left Jidda for Riyadh on May 9 and returned to Jidda on May 12 (890F.248/5–1345). Transmitted with the despatch were three enclosures: Mr. Eddy’s note of May 9 to King Abdul Aziz in which he set forth the various projects the United States was prepared to undertake; the reply of May 12 by the Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs; and Mr. Eddy’s further note of May 11 to the King.