890F.248/4–1245: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Saudi Arabia (Eddy)
114. ReLegs 158, April 12, 11 a.m. Joint Chiefs of Staff have taken up Dhahran airfield matter with Combined Chiefs of Staff.
The British Chiefs of Staff have replied along the following lines:
- 1.
- They concur in our proposal to construct a military airfield at Dhahran stating that the British Government is prepared to support our case with King Abdul Aziz should we so request;
- 2.
- The British Commonwealth requires equal rights with the United States in regard to fly-over privileges and landing at the airfield, but [Page 875] the British intend to use the airfield only in case of an emergency;
- 3.
- It is assumed by the British Chiefs of Staff that labor and work services will be a responsibility borne by the United States Government.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff regard this reply as somewhat ambiguous in regard to what the British mean with respect to “equal rights”. They are endeavoring to clarify this ambiguity with the British Chiefs of Staff and expect to have a reply within about the next 2 days.
As soon as this matter is cleared up satisfactorily, the Department proposes to request the British Embassy to ask the Foreign Office to instruct the British Minister at Jidda to inform King Abdul Aziz that the British objection is withdrawn. When the British Minister so informs the King, it is contemplated that you will be instructed, together with Colonel Connor, to initiate negotiations.
In view of the attention we are having to give to Amir Faisal77 and his party, it would have proved helpful if Major Harry Snyder78 had been here to continue his effective liaison work in regard to the airfield matter.
- The Amir was in Washington on April 12 to register his country’s adherence to the United Nations Declaration. For text of his remarks at the ceremony, see Department of State Bulletin, April 15, 1945, p. 682. The United Nations Declaration was signed at Washington on January 1, 1942, Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. i, p. 25.↩
- Member of the mission of Colonel Connor to Saudi Arabia.↩