890F.20 Missions/4–945: Telegram
The Minister in Saudi Arabia (Eddy) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:18 a.m.]
147. Deputy Foreign Minister68 informed both British69 and American Ministers that the Saudi Government understands both military missions at Taif will close when present courses of instruction are completed about the end of April. He expressed gratitude for the valuable services of the US Army Mission and hope that cooperation with US Army will continue. However, supply of qualified candidates for training now given at Taif is exhausted.
I recommend this announcement be accepted without discussion or dissent. Both Missions at Taif have served their purpose and would earn only diminishing returns if continued. I am convinced the Saudi decision is political in view of British desire to quit and will not prejudice new and different proposals if made by US Army in the future.
British will train Saudi officers and men at military bases in Egypt and Sudan. (See Legations No. 13, January 9, 10 a.m.70) No mention whatsoever has been made of possible activities of US Army either to or by the Saudi Government. I have reason to believe they have expectations from presence of Colonel Connor Mission.
Repeated Cairo as 75 for General Giles.