867N.01/11–2745: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iraq (Moose)

371. We have noted adverse reaction of Iraqi Govt as set forth in your 451 Nov 27 to establishment of joint Palestine Committee as well as other indications of Arab opposition or criticism. You may in your discretion point out to appropriate officials that this committee was created by American and Brit Govts after extended discussion during which careful consideration was given to various aspects of the matter, that it should be clear from an examination of the statements of the two Govts in this connection that they regard the creation of this committee as a completely legitimate means of formulating their policy with regard to the complex issues involved and that they are very hopeful that through the Committee it may prove possible to reach a satisfactory solution. You may make it clear that the Committee will welcome any info which various Arab and Jewish spokesmen may desire to give, since such info would aid it in reaching its decisions under terms of reference, particularly no. 3 which involves consultation with representative Arabs and Jews.

You may further point out that the willingness of Committee to hear views of representative Arabs and Jews will provide a unique opportunity for each of the interested parties to make its views known to Committee and thus to American and Brit Govts.

For your info American members of Committee will begin assembling here late this week.

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Sent Baghdad with reference its 451 Nov 27; repeated Jerusalem, Cairo, London, Beirut, Jidda, and Damascus63 for info and appropriate action.

  1. As Nos. 274, 2285, 10732, 401, 352 and 95, respectively.