867N.01/11–2745: Telegram

The Chargé in Iraq (Moose) to the Secretary of State 51

451. On November 13 British Embassy submitted note to Iraqi Foreign Ministry asking approval for Palestine [policy] described that day in House of Commons by Bevin. Iraqi reply delivered yesterday took four pages to restate Iraq’s position and to affirm that Iraq (1) opposes further Jewish immigration into Palestine (2) opposes formation of Joint Anglo-American Investigation Committee (3) opposes formation in Palestine of Jewish state no matter how small and (4) suggests that if position of European Jew is so difficult they be taken into US or some part of British Empire.

There is excellent reason to believe that this comprehensive rejection of Bevin proposals surprised British Embassy here.

Sent Dept repeated to Cairo, Jerusalem, Beirut for Damascus, paraphrase by airmail to Jidda.

  1. Repeated by the Department in telegram 10334, November 28, 7 p.m., to London.