867N.01/11–245: Telegram
Mr. Alexander C. Kirk, Political Adviser to the Supreme Allied Commander, Mediterranean Theater, to the Secretary of State
[Received 9:22 p.m.]
4022. British Mideast have sent following appreciation of Palestine situation to War Office: Present calm indicates pressure by Jewish Agency to check extremists in order not to prejudice case before Govt announcement. Reports from Greece and Rumania indicate large scale movement Jews southward to ports of embarkation in vessels of all sizes for illegal immigration to Palestine. Jewish Agency policy is to publicize migration using strong humanitarian pleas; also to justify use of Hagana in assisting landings. Official and unofficial mention of Hagana activities increasing and shows desire to obtain recognition of this force as a legal body. Jewish Agency seeking also by publicizing “successes” against police such as Athlit incident, throwing local British administration notably police into disrepute.
Following is likely to be immediate reaction to Government announcement unfavorable to Jews:
a. general strike, b. protest meetings and demonstrations giving rise to incidents by which considerable disorders may be occasioned, c. advantage of situation likely to be taken by terrorist organization to start campaign of action and sabotage of Government installations and of moves and attempts on lives of Government and police officers and possible service personnel, d. although extremists in Agency may go over to terrorists it is not believed that Jewish Agency will countenance terrorism but will certainly disapprove and show their disapproval by embarrassing HMG8 as much as possible, e. Agency will definitely press forward with maximum illegal immigration and throw onus of preventing it and responsibility for incidents and loss of life incurred on Government.
Any incidents will certainly be followed by world-wide and tendentious propaganda. Widespread military employment of Hagana or spontaneous rising considered improbable. Not unlikely is possibility of some Hagana extremists uniting with Irgun and Stern.9 [Page 807] Seizure of Govt lands may follow if immigration successful. Information suggests that unless Arabs interfere no anti-Arab action is envisaged by the Jews. There is no evidence of preparations on Arab side who feel as Jews displaying such apprehension there is little cause for themselves to worry. In prevention of illegal immigration Arabs may certainly be counted on to cooperate.