867N.01/9–2645: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in Iraq (Moreland)
314. Your 373.83 You are requested inform the Iraqi Prime Minister with reference to his note of Sept 2683a regarding Palestine that [Page 785] you have been authorized by your Govt to convey to him the following information:
During recent weeks President has been in exploratory correspondence with Prime Minister Attlee of Great Britain in an effort to find ways and means of alleviating the situation of the displaced Jews in Europe. Everyone will agree that it is the duty of all of us to take energetic measures to assist these unfortunate victims of Nazi persecution whose situation has been so serious. The President has suggested to Prime Minister that among other measures consideration be given to Palestine as a possible haven for some of these homeless Jews. In making this suggestion he of course kept in mind the well-known policy of the Govt of the US with regard to Palestine as communicated on a number of occasions to Iraqi Govt and notably in President Roosevelt’s letter of Apr 12 to Iraqi Regent to the effect that in the view of this Govt no decision affecting the basic situation in Palestine should be reached without full consultation with both Arabs and Jews. In assuring Prime Minister that there has been no change in this policy you should inform him that the views of the Iraqi Govt as set forth in his note of Sept 26 have been given the most careful consideration by the American Govt which has been pleased to note statements of prominent Arab leaders of their recognition of the humanitarian aspects of this question.
Sent Baghdad. Repeated Cairo, Jidda, Jerusalem, Damascus, Beirut, London.84