740.00119 Council/9–2445: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State (Acheson) to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant)
8361. Secdel40 106. Personal for the Secretary. A delegation of prominent Zionists called upon me yesterday in order to obtain info re negotiations which they say they have learned through reliable sources are taking place between Brit and American Govts with regard to Palestine. They referred particularly to a letter which they understood President has addressed to Brit and to conversations which they have heard have been going on between you and members of Brit Govt.
I told them that I knew nothing re negotiations which may have taken place between American and Brit Govts with regard to Palestine. When they expressed concern lest important decisions affecting future of Palestine might be made by Brit and American Govts before Zionists have been given a full opportunity to present their case I told them that the American Govt on a number of occasions had made it clear that in its opinion both Jews and Arabs should be consulted [Page 744] in connection with any basic decision which might be made with regard to Palestine and that I was confident that no basic decision affecting future of Palestine would be taken without consultation with Arabs and Jews.
I would appreciate being informed if you approve position which 1 have assumed.
- Secdel was the code designation for telegrams addressed to the Secretary of State during the period of an overseas mission, in this case, the London meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers.↩