867N.01/3–1845: Telegram

The Chargé in Iraq (Moreland) to the Secretary of State

110. The Prime Minister40 has informed me that a Reuter’s41 despatch reports the President as having “reaffirmed his promises of last October to Rabbi Wise”.42 The Prime Minister expressed the hope that this report is not true but if it is true he asks me to convey to the US Government the keen disappointment of the Iraqi Government.43

  1. Hamdi al-Pachachi.
  2. British news agency.
  3. The New York Times reported on March 17 that Rabbi Wise had been received by President Roosevelt on the preceding day, and that he had been authorized to quote the President as saying, “I made my position on Zionism clear in October. That position I have not changed, and shall continue to seek to bring about its earliest realization”; regarding the position taken by President Roosevelt in October, 1944, see his letter of October 15 to Senator Robert F. Wagner, Foreign Relations, 1944, vol. v, p. 615.
  4. In telegram 108, March 19, 1945, 9 p.m., to Baghdad, the Chargé was informed that “Matter is being given immediate attention and you will receive further instructions as soon as possible.” (867N.01/3–1845)