881.00/10–1745: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (Alling)

268. Urtel 306, Oct 17, 11 a.m. You should cooperate fully with your colleagues on Committee of Control and give them benefit of your views on all matters in connection with pending and future legislation for Tangier Zone during provisional regime. It is assumed that you already have made known this Govt’s position and that there is no misunderstanding with respect to enforcement of local laws upon American ressortissants. Under these circumstances Dept sees no reason why you should abstain from voting on any legislative questions and you are authorized to do so in your discretion provided that such action is not opposed by other members of Control Committee.

Also, Dept approves of simplified procedure for making Tangier laws applicable American ressortissants as outlined on pages 7 and 8 of Paris Embassy’s despatch 2663, July 27.99

  1. Not printed, but see telegram 306, October 17, 11 a.m. from Tangier, p. 668.