881.00/10–245: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State
[Received 7:30 p.m.]
5826. Your 4563, Oct. 1.93 In a conversation with Meyrier he stated that Dept has undoubtedly by now been informed of instructions sent French Embassies in Washington, London and Moscow suggesting that text of Final Act of Tangier Conference and Anglo-French accord [Page 667] be made available for publication in morning papers of October 11.
French Missions were also instructed to inquire if the other interested Govts wished to have published the two final declarations re Spain. French Govt would prefer not to publish these but is quite willing to do so if one or more of other Govts wish to do so.
Copies of replies from Belgian, Dutch, Portuguese and Swedish Govts were received from Foreign Office today. All announced their adherence to Franco-Brit agreement. However, Portuguese reply regrets that historical, geographical, and economic special rights of Portugal were not recognized in new Tangier regime and transmits Portuguese adhesion in hope that coming conference will take these rights into consideration.
Sent Washington 5826; repeated Tangier 58.
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