881.00/8–3145: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

5237. From Villard. Following schedule of events in connection with Tangier provisional regime was adopted at final session of Conference August 29:

September 4. Notification to Madrid and to signatory powers of Act of Algeciras; invitation to United States and to Soviet Governments.

September 12. Spanish acceptance.

September 25. Meeting of Committee of Control: (a) Designation of administrator and assistant administrator; (b) Naming of engineers; (c) Nomination of customs director.

October 1–10. Contact between heads of the international administration and the Spanish administration for the purpose of preparing the transfer of services.

October 11. Evacuation by the Spaniards and taking over by the Mendoub and international administration.

October 20. Designation of members of the Legislative Assembly.

October 25. Meeting of Legislative Assembly.

Sent Department 5237, repeated Tangier as 51, repeated to Madrid as 333. [Villard.]

[Page 655]

[Text of the Anglo-French agreement for the re-establishment of the international administration of Tangier, signed at Paris August 31, 1945, is printed in 98 United Nations Treaty Series 250; text of Final Act of the Conference concerning the re-establishment of the international regime in Tangier, signed at Paris August 31, 1945, and text of the Anglo-French agreement, are printed in Department of State Bulletin, October 21, 1945, page 613.]