881.00/8–3045: Telegram

The Ambassador in France (Caffery) to the Secretary of State

5223. From Villard. In view of French hostility and both French and British suspicion regarding our motives in this connection, we have deemed it inadvisable to introduce any further mention of the United Nations organization in the Tangier Conference. Instead the Department may wish to consider the inclusion of the following [Page 653] reservation in its reply to the forthcoming French invitation to participate in the interim administration of Tangier:

“Nothing in the terms of the agreements reached at this Conference or as they may eventually be modified [apparent omission] of the provisional administration shall, at the time of the elaboration of a new regime for Tangier, be deemed to prejudice the consideration of a proposal to relate that regime to the general framework of the United Nations Organization.”

Sent Dept as 5223; copies to Madrid, Moscow, London and Tangier by courier. [Villard.]
