881.00/8–2045: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Chargé in France (Fullerton)
4044. For Villard. Embtel 5034, Aug. 20, 6 p.m.78 Dept approves in principle advance not to exceed $100,000 subject to review of the [Page 651] terms under which advances may be made by State Bank of Morocco. It might be advisable to include in interim agreement a provision to the effect that governments in default of their financial obligations for the maintenance of the interim government will be ineligible to participation in the regime.
Suggest that you consider the advisability of including in the agreement itself or in an announcement made to the press, a statement that the Powers agree to promote the fullest possible development and the most rational use of the resources of the Zone, both human and material and that no restraints will be imposed upon the economic and commercial activities of the inhabitants that would be harmful to them for the purpose of benefiting the Powers themselves. The administration will endeavor to promote the prosperity and general welfare of the inhabitants.
Sent Paris as 4044; rptd Tangier as 200.
- Not printed; it transmitted the text of a resolution relating to the reimbursement by the Four Powers of the State Bank of Morocco for advances made to the provisional administration of the Tangier Zone, and to the provisioning of the Zone. (881.00/8–2045) The text is almost identical with that of the Final Act of the Conference. (See bracketed note, p. 655.)↩