868.00/1–1545: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Greece (MacVeagh)
43. Please transmit the following message:
“His Excellency Nicolas Plastiras, Prime Minister of Greece. Thank you for your friendly message.28 I speak for the American [Page 105] people as well as for myself when I say that the recent tragic bloodshed in Greece has been a cause of profound sorrow. In assuming the leadership of the Greek Government at this critical time you are faced with problems the solution of which is of great importance to the future of your country and the successful conclusion of the Allied struggle against a common enemy. I have been reassured by your recent statements that the cessation of hostilities will not be followed by reprisals but will be the prelude to early decisions, by means of free democratic processes, on the vexed questions which led to civil strife. This Government, in collaboration with our Allies, stands ready to assist wherever practicable in the rehabilitation of your long suffering nation. I wish you all success in the patriotic duties you have undertaken. Franklin D. Roosevelt.”