891.105A/9–2445: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Iran (Murray)82
558. Urtel 756 Sept. 24. Unless you receive satisfactory Iranian assurances of support for gendarmerie mission and unless you and Schwarzkopf are fully satisfied with immediate and energetic steps taken in implementation of these assurances you are authorized, in your discretion, to inform Iranian Govt, that this Govt, has decided to terminate the gendarmerie mission forthwith.83 War concurs.
Dept. regrets necessity of suggesting this action at this critical time in Iran but feels strongly that it is futile and undignified to permit the mission to continue under circumstances which give little hope of positive accomplishment or reflection of credit on this country.
In memorandum of September 26 to the Acting Secretary of State (Acheson), the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs (Henderson) stated: “The attached telegram to Tehran suggests the advisability of withdrawing the Gendarmerie Mission, headed by Colonel Schwarzkopf, unless satisfactory assurances of support are received from the Iranians.
The Schwarzkopf Mission has been a good one, has contributed in a limited sense to Iranian stability and has reflected credit on this country. However, Iranian support has been so limited and Iranian political interference so objectionable that both Ambassador Murray and Schwarzkopf have come increasingly to feel that unless better cooperation and support are received there is no dignified or feasible course but to withdraw. The matter has become critical at this moment because the time for renewal of the contract expires on October 1.
We should regret seeing this mission withdrawn but feel there is no alternative unless the Iranians are willing to cooperate. However, there is a good chance that the Iranians, who keenly desire to have the mission remain, will give the assurances we desire and take action to put them into effect. Thus, this telegram may spur the Iranians into action. If not, we feel the mission should be terminated.” (891.105A/9–2445)
↩ - For expression of opinion on this matter by the Director of the Office of Near Eastern and African Affairs, see his letter of September 27 to the Ambassador in Iran, p. 423.↩