890E.00/12–2445: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Chargé in Lebanon (Mattison)

420. Reurtel 430, Dec 24 10 am. US Govt feels that in general it is helpful to solution of common problems for interested govts to participate in discussions of these problems.

US Govt’s policy of opposing special privileges for any third power in Syria and Lebanon and of supporting unconditional independence of those two countries is believed to be well known to their two Govts. Its views on recent Anglo-French agreement have already been made clear on informal basis to Brit Govt as result of latter’s informally expressed desire to have this Govt’s views (see Dept’s 405 Dec 14 6 pm,92 413 Dec 20 9 am, and copy of memo of conversation between Loy Henderson and Michael Wright of Brit Embassy of Dec 3 now on way, substance of which Brit say was communicated to French).

If during course of suggested discussions any question should arise on which any participating Govt might desire expression of views of US Govt Dept would be glad to give careful consideration to any such requests it might receive.

Sent Beirut (for repetition to Damascus); repeated London and Paris.

  1. Not printed; it quoted the text of the Franco-British accord. The message was sent to Moscow and repeated to Paris, and Beirut for Damascus. (890D.01/12–1445)